Have any of you gone through a breakup and would like to share what worked for you? I am open to any and all answers no matter how silly you may think they are! It just might work for me or someone else who is heartbroken.Hey my fellow Yahoo's! What is the best way to cope with, or get over a painful breakup?
GET BUSY BABY! You have to surround yourself with people, activities, and things that are positive, distracting, and that encourage growth away from heartache. Of course, it is ok to cry. But don't sit around for weeks eating Ben and Jerry's and crying to the lyrics of sad songs. Drowning in pain that is already bad as it is can only get ugly. So as much as you feel like the tiniest most insignificant and vulnerable speck on the earth, U WILL BE OKAY IN TIME.
Just remember that you only live once and be glad you have had the chance to know love. You will see how much you learned from your recent relationship and will be able to apply it in the future when you meet the next potential hottie.Hey my fellow Yahoo's! What is the best way to cope with, or get over a painful breakup?
When I break up with someone, the first thing I do is get rid of anything that reminds me of them. Take down all the photos and letters and gifts and either throw them away or put them in a shoebox somewhere. Then, I call up my friends and we go out and do something fun together. For especially bad break ups, I take a vacation somewhere to escape or do something crazy like skydiving or mountain climbing.
alot of jim beam sex and paintball in that order
I try to think of all the bad things he did. Music helps too and sometimes working out is good cuz it helps you let out your anger and frustration. I sent him a pic on my friends phone of me flipping off the camera lol it was kinda mean but it sure made me feel better cuz he was such an *** to me.
I find that occupying your time helps the most...I spend time with friends and family constantly more so with people who make me laugh...Also...I like to take that sudden change as an opportunity to change other things in my life I may not be happy with...like losing those troublesome few pounds that I have always wanted to lose. My man left and I headed to the gym. It makes putting yourself back on the market easier and gives you a little confidence. Plus, for that moment when you unexpectedly run into your ex, you can be sure that he'll take a double take.
Realize that you are free to do whatever you please and do so...take advantage of this time you have to do things that are important to you...most of all...have fun...goodluck!
Don't go straight into another relationship. You aren't ready and thats not fair to the other person. Do something for yourself. My wife and I just split up and I'm going to the gym, making new friends, and just generally having a good time. Time and good friends are the only real cure.
We'll my boyfriend broke up with me and I dated a new guy to get over it and I cryed my eyes out,crying is ok!!! Don't feel bad to cry!!!!
EASY......rebound sex!!!! itll get your mind right off that dude. especially if he hits it like its never been hit before....so do you live in Florida???
Grieve, people have to do this to get some kind of closure, cry, scream(out deep in the woods worked for me) This is like a death and everyone deals with these situations differently. If you have friends there for u be with them. Try not to stay cooped up by yourself for long.If the other one says we are through, don't call, write, or stalk them.Go out with your friends and remember there is someone out there who is waiting to find you...Good Luck and to bad for your ex...
spend time with friends,find a hobby, get a jigsaw puzzle and put it together.
The best way to mend a broken heart is with a new love.
I'm sorry you had to go thru that, I've been through some HARD breakup and I know how much it sucks....
The best thing that worked for me was to stay surrounded by friends who I could have fun with, and keep my mind off of suchandsuch
Also try pampering yourself, do your nails, hair, facial, makeup, look your best and you'll feel your best, you'llget a big confidence boost when you look in the mirror and see what the ex is missing.
And all the compliments youll get will help, too :)
ALso lastly, go out and meet new people, not necesarily to date, just to be friends with and explore, go to a club or a dance or some event, and just meet people and have fun. Hope that helps, feel better!
My wife left me unexpectedly 3 years ago and moved in with another man. She lied about it for 2 months until I convinced her to go to marriage counseling with me and then told me in front of the counselor. We divorced and I got into RPG online games and darts. The RPG games focused my mind in 100 different directions trying to decifer all the quests and stuff to do. The darts a) gave me a target at which to aim my frustrations and b) got me out of the house and into a social environment (with booze). I don't recommend a relationship, because I did hook up with a girl and all you do is lie to her for selfish reasons. Sometimes it's good to be alone, and sometimes a group atmosphere is good, provided there is no hooking up. Sports, like a gym or martial arts is good because a) it makes you physically and mentally healthy (create endorphins to get over your sadness) and b) there is a social aspect to it to help you readjusst to your new life of freedom.
Think about all the fun times you had and recall how you asked her out and why u liked them in the first place. Then listen to music and jus relax. Focus on your rebound and now that you remember the good times of late focus on how you can have more good times with the next girl/guy/shemale
Doing something with friends that you've never done before. Never been skiing? Do that. Never been to a nightclub? Make your friends take you. SOmething new will distract your mind from the loss of the breakup and maybe give you a new hobby to put your energy into.
Even though i am young and not really expericanced the heartbreak of breakups one way to cope is just forget about him and move on i know you may think that everyone is telling you that and it won't work but really there has to be other hot guys with great personality, i bet you are a great person and won't have any trouble finding a person who can treat you like a princess, and if you can't do that just imagine him doing something embarrising! lol, don't hold grudges just forgive and forget!
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