Im going through really hard times right now and would like some advice.
Its been 5 months now since my breakup from an 8yr relationship (found out that he cheated and probably more than once). For the first few months he pleaded with me to come back but trying after you screw up isnt good enough for me and in my heart I believe that he would never change. Even though he cheated which should be enough for me to move on, I am still depressed and sadden with the whole thing. He has moved on and makes it a point to tell me that he is happy now and that he no longer hurts...oh how that hurt to hear him say that but what can I do but face it whether I like it or not. I have come a long way with my heart and feelings to turn back. I have no desire to be with anyone new and cant seem to understand how he can just let go of his feelings so quickly after all our years and memories we built together. It's been months and I still feel depressed as ever and this worries me. Is this normal what I am feeling at this stage in time? Is it healthier for me to ';emotionally cleanse'; myself? For those that rebound, do they eventually experience the lost and depression or can they just move by simply fill the void? It angers me at the thought that he he can move on with life and never get the chance to experience the grieving process I am going through.... I hope Im making sense, I really need some advice or experiences. thanks.
Do rebounders eventually cope with the lost?
obviously he is an asshole, he cheated on you so he could move on so fast because even when he was with you he wasn't fully with you.
And it's going to hurt, maybe for five more months or even a year. But eventually it will be okay, and you will be okay. You will be able to move on and you will find some one you to love again.
In the mean time i don't think you should have a 'rebound' guy because you could end up hurting them and in turn making yourself feel even worse.
Just give it time.Do rebounders eventually cope with the lost?
Your experience of the relationship was very sincere and deep. His experience of it was shallow and insincere. Therefore, he could move on with no problem. I suggest that you stop talking to him, as he is basically taunting you (another character flaw).
It is normal to be devastated after 8 years with a cheater. Forget whatever he's doing, as it's irrelevant, and focus on your life and how great it will be. You don't need him for a great life.
Yes, we can heal. Remember that the heart is an amazing muscle, and it can heal itself when hurt. I am much in the same boat as you, my wife having left me last November. I recently met another woman, and fell madly in love with her, but she doesn't want a relationship, as she still loves an ex of hers. I am heartbroken, but in order to live, we must move forward. It's not easy, but we must do it. Best of luck.
I do think you need time to heal. Friends may tell you to go out and offer to fix you up. It's not worth it if you're not ready.Take a class or full schedule. Expand your mind. you might just get a degree and have a fabulous career. I'd choose archeology and dig for relics in exotic places. He hasn't found the answer and all he's doing is making bad karma. He ain't worth your tears. You'll survive but the last thing you need is to cover a gaping wound with a bandaid. good luck.
the only reason he did what he did is because someone did it to him
when i was younger this girl took my virginity and left me high and dry. I wanted to marry her. It took me about 18 months to get over her and about 3 years before dated another girl. From that moment on I vowed that I would never let a girl do me wrong like that ever again.
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