i have been the shoulders for many people during there breakups i cannot believe one day this will happen to me. my ex and i had been together for almost three years. from the get go i knew we are too different but he convinced me that he wasn't what i and his friends thought he was. we dated and moved in together. fights started a few months later about insensitivities and inconsiderations. but we managed to talked through them and figured out ways to try to avoid feelings being hurt and etc. long story short, we got a house together beginning of the year. at the same time i also quit my well paying job to school full time. we agreed that he will take care of the finance until i get my degree which is summer next year. things started going down hill after that. he started going out and do things without me. we hardly talked. last week labor weekend he broke up with me claiming that he couldn't be himself when he is with. my problem is what is himself. i was an open book when i got with him. he on the other hand put on a mask and toward the end the mask fell off. he demands time to himself and his friends. he thinks my demand to be treated a little better than his friends is unreasonable and blah blah blah. i was stunned. he dismissed me just like that. he asked me to make a list of things i will take and a date of when i am going to be moving out. i asked him what about all the decisions that we made together that ultimately alters my life. he left me without job, income, and place to live. well to be fair he said that if i need money go get a job and i do have a roof at my mom's. at the worst possible point of the relationship he was calm and collective. he asks me to sign over the deed of the house. i almost did but my family came to my rescue. they take me in and help me see what a piece of work he is. besides the legality of property and such...almost three year relationship is hard to get over. anyone has any advice? i read bunch of stuff online about pampering myself and such but i have no money to do so. anyone know of any group or association that i could join and get my mind off of things. i am at the point of going to depression but i am so close to getting my degree. i hate to waste all the efforts that i put into it but it is so hard to study and enjoy my year of internship...please help!!!!!!!!!How to cope with break up?
You had mentioned in the beginning of this that you had been there for others. I say call up your girlfriends and guyfriends and movie nights. Have everyone bring a snack or drink. You could also have game nights have everyone bring their favorite games. If you guys are open to making fools out of yourselves there is a great game called
Hilarium. (sp?).
My roomate and I are both in college and not well off as well and these seem to be the best things for price and fun. Since thanksgiving is coming up too another thing is you can have a friends get together for that too and have everyone bring something. Same with Christmas. Holidays can be the worst so it helps to have friends near by. Granted you do not have to do these ON the actual holiday but around it.
The whole story sounds horrible. I am sorry you had to go through that. But whatever you do try not to let him ruin the rest of your life...again. What I mean is make sure you focus on school you are almost done. Whenever you feel like you are dealing with too much take a bath. You don't have to go to a spa to relax.
I hope this helps. Good luckHow to cope with break up?
always keep in mind that they do not deserve you....
you are meant for someone you just hvnt seen him yet.....
Your still in School and there will be plenty of guys for you. Relationships are hard and if he can't accept what your doing to try to better yourself than he wasn't worth it to begin with. Hod your head up high and don't let him bother you even if you see him on the street somewhere. Smile and move on.
I've been there and I know it's painful but you will get through it
Good luck
me and my boyfriend broke up to after 3 years it was hard but you need to just get over it go out with your friends have funn to stuff you never got to do when you were with him.me and my boyfriend got back together maybe you will too.and yess you should be treated way better than any of his friends.
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