Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How to get over a breakup?

I've just broken up with my boyfriend of four years, and I dont know how to cope . I feel distraught, and i've got deadlines to meet in jan but i dnt feel like doing anything. can people please give me ideas on how to get over this- because the last thing i need on top of everything else is to fail my studies - thanksHow to get over a breakup?
dude, you must feel awful! I know how hard it is to work after a break up, especially one that lasted that long. but you just have to act as if you don't care, watch YOUR favorite movie while eating popcorn or hang out with you friends. all i can say is don't mope. i feel terriable for you!How to get over a breakup?
The best way to get off a break-up is to stay busy with doing things for yourself like shopping, traveling, playing sports, working out in the gym and spending time with friends.
There must have been reasons why you broke up with this person in the first place. Think of how much better your life will be without him in your life. you are probably afraid of being lonely. Four years is a long time. Hang in there...don't speak with him, don't talk about him to your friends etc. I know it is easier said but you have to look out for you. Think about your future and the possibility of meeting someone who is better for you.
If you need to cry, then do it. Having a really good cry can be cathartic. Write out all your feelings - everything you would say to him and even things you wouldn't say. Purge yourself by letting all these emotions flow freely. Listen to sad songs and let it all out. Then make up your mind that it's time to move on and do it.

Find things to occupy your time. It sounds as if you have a lot on your plate, so you should be alright in this arena. But remember, it's ok to hurt. You were together for four years - that's a lot of history.

Talk to friends when you need to but try not to dwell. Hang in there and know that all things proceed exactly as they should and each day the feelings will lessen more and more.

Good luck, hon.
if u feel this bad over it are u sure if wasn't a mistake sweetie? regrets can tear someone apart so make sure this is something u won't regret. i cant give much advise because i'm going through something similar but i'd deffinatly say to start looking at things at a whole different perspective. i didn't know wat that really ment until i accually took the advise. trust me. start looking at things in a different perspective (everything) and things will start to make more sense and things will come easier.

good luck with everything.
time heals wounds, it'll be ok just move on.
give yourself some time to mourn... and then be happy for the new oppurtunities and experiences that will naturally come your way! single life can be a great time. if you're still having a hard time, definately talk to close friends and family members that you feel could give objective advice. also get out and have a good time! oh- another idea would be to treat yourself to a mani/pedi, or quick trip to the spa! that ALWAYS helps!
keep on going and do something like sports,reading,working, with friends by all means
dont listen to jake or pamela(especially not jake).What is good is movies.they keep your mind off the a good movie,preferably something horror or gruesome.These usually can be enough to get your mind away from the person and more on';omg!what if there is a person in my house with a knife hiding in my closet?';.Also, listen to music with some rock to it,probably something happy if u want to get over him,or something punkish(evanesence is good) if u want to hate his guts.A good cry with a box of tissues and a tub of chocolate ice cream is good.I have spent many nights in the fetal position with my boyfriends, Ben and Jerry.Talk to your friends or mother/father.They can usually make u laugh at something.Just pre-occupy yourself with something else.(or someONE else ;).Bugs bunny and roadrunner cartoons are HILARIOUS and can pick your mood way up, especially if u are hysterical.Booze isn't bad either(im kidding).And if u intend to still be friends with this guy, make sure he wants to be friends too.i have an ex-boyfriend and me and him are best friends now,but only because he couldn't stand being without me.and if this guy dates other girls,date other guys to make him jealous(works REALLY good for me, especially if its his best guy friend)numb your brain with something(not illegal or addictive substances0 and have some FUN! If that doesn't work,well,then it might just have to be time.Waiting it out is always good.
just move on
going for a run often helps clear my head....its going to be hard, but sometimes the smallest things help best
Take time to breath and just push through it. Said the pot to the kettle.
stay away from slipknot and jim beam!!!! thats how i handled my last one.
I know how you feel :(

Life seems to just STOP. like everything is happening around you...but you're frozen.

Try to keep as busy as you can. Just delve into anything...distract yourself. Focus on things that will make you forget. Get a hobby! Seriously, keeping busy works the best. Just know that its for the best...

I'm sorry!
it will be hard but its him thats the loser,hopefully he will realise that

just for now try not to think about him and do other stuff that you enjoy
well dk just meet with friends or ben and jerys
focus focus and more focus just don't forget why you broke up with him in 1st place !! you must of had lots of reasons the tears will stop just not yet and the sickness in the pit of your stomach too !! don't txt him or e.mail him makes it alot harder and healing can't start until this happens ! take care !!!
be busy with what u like doing...
Well first off, tell me where you are and I will come help you get over him. ;)
time heals all wounds %26lt;%26lt;%26gt;%26gt; take some time ALONE and find your-self
go out and find someone who you can meet up with regulary even if it is a guy but make sure that it dos'nt get too serious and try and get out and find stuff to get your mind off it or join a club thats a way of making friends
ive been hurts but you'll get over me..i know right now it feels like you wont and it feels like the pain will never go away but it will...just work on the stuff you got due it might help you get your mind off get good grades on that stuff then you see how you dont need him...once you find someone else you will forget all about him
find a guy.. that you know... **** the **** outta him.. and use him.... thats called a ';rebound'; guy... start being a slut!!! you'll feel better..... you don't have to worry about answering to a dude!! have fun and be glad.....
u broke up for the better,ur just used to having someone there to tell u what to do when u dont know what to do,try hanging out with ur friends a lot more,move on u deserve better.
Been there done that. I was in a 5 yr relationship and it was rough breaking up. The best advice I can give, is not to rebound onto another relationship or dating too soon for that matter. It will only prolong your hurt and basically you'll be trying to fill a void without fully healing. Just allow yourself to get over the guy fully, cry when you need to, hang out with close friends and family. Talk about it and vent when you need to. Stay busy and try not to isolate yourself or look to substances to numb your grief. I hope that helps.
Sleep with his bestfriend.
go easy, take it one day, talk to friends, enjoy life, it will be all right..
Time.....and really try not to waste your energy on sad or bad stuff. As far as time goes, it could be a week or it could be a year before you are truly over it.It all depends on your situation. I promise you will get over it and feel better. Just give yourself time.
It was not your fault. He was a jackass and you have the right to control your own life. You've got the right to live your life with someone you want to live with instead of someone that you don't want.
obsess over who u broke up with and commit suicide if they diont get back together with you

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