Keep busy, no matter what keep busy. Help others, it not only helps them out but it makes you feel good. Spend time with friends, go back to doing things you stopped doing while you were in that relationship.
And remember this.
Once upon a time I was a new Mother with a baby that was only a few weeks old. I was living in a high-rise apt waiting for my house to be built. She was being rather cranky for four nights in a row and I was dead, maybe I had had 7 hours of sleep in 4 days. Anyway here I was feeding her in tears and feeling wiped out. I got up and gazed out my window at 4am and across the way the other high-rise apt building had a few lights on. At the moment I smiled. Because I figured I wasn't the only one up and in this situation,
For all the future heartaches to come, there were millions that came before you.
You are not alone..and we've all had to get through it.I just had the worst breakup of my life...?
Just be you and create the best life you can for yourself. Take care...and thank you.
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You will deal with this, and you will get through this. Think back on your life, I am sure you will see you did experience pain before, like the death of a loved one, or a breakup etc. You got through that pain, and this too will pass. Don't sit and focus on this. You are going to have to go through the stages of a breakup, there is no getting away from it, but you can make it easier. Don't sit around thinking all the good things in the relationship, or how much you love him, or what could have been. Concentrate on your future, and that everything happens for a reason. Go do something fun, even if you have to force yourself to do it. Go hang out with friends that are supportive and positive. Plan a vacation with a good friend, so you have something to look forward to that you are excited about. You can start shopping for clothes for the trip, and activities that you can do there. This will keep your mind in a positive frame instead of negative. You will love again, and you will look back at this time in your life and think wow I thought that was love, but I as wrong, and look at how happy I am now. Good luck : ))
One year... Hmmm... Ok. You are a little fishy. And your significant other is a shark. After a year of friendship and closeness they swam away, and bit you before doing so! But that shark was enormous blocking your field of fishy vision and now you see that there are literally millions and millions of potential love makers in this world. If everyone were like you, searching for the one, there would be no rape and infidelity, no cheating, affairs, lust... You are a good person. You will not be alone for long. And the next lover you meet you'll be ready for... won't you?
another fishy
You need things that will divert your attention from him. Maybe a holiday like someone suggested? Read relationship books, focus on something else, have a look online regarding relationships and break-ups, you'd be surprised with what you find. Don't worry though, it will get better and better everyday until you're over him. I know how you feel, trust me.
Hope it helps and good luck,
Have as much sex with as many people as you possibly can. The pain will go away I promise.
go to another country the new impressions will help... best with beach and much sun.. believe me the sea and the sun will make you happy
There's a little blue pill that you can take and it will all go away. If that doesn't help try a Therapiss
Gotta feel the burn. There's no quick fix. Take comfort in the fact that EVERYBODY has, is or will go through this.
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