my ex bf. I feel it was pretty severe. I have been to 2 therapists and now I am starting with a new one. Its been 7 months but it was so hard to accept. I was with him for 2 years.He layed the big suicide threats on me, b/c he was so depressed only to find out he got a one night stand pregnant. He would tell me not to call the police or he would kill himself. Then after I helped him, he left me for the mother of his child. I needed to know who I was dealing with so I did my own research.Come to find out he met this one night stand in a chatroom. He has picked up other girls in chatrooms. He did the same suicide deal on a previous girl, but she was smart enough to call the police, he told them she lied %26amp; did this b/c she was upset over the breakup.I called him recently to tell him I know all this, %26amp; he came back w/ a threat that he filed a complaint against me. I'm over him trust me, but I was not over what he did to me. Please don't tell me I should have let it go. Its easier to sayHow to cope when you r a victim of manipulation. I was manipulated by?
Sweetie, what he did to you was horrible. I'm sorry that you are going through this. He definitely knows how to play this game. He sounds like a very sick jerk. You need to continue in your counseling, and you need to not have any contact with him. When he sees or hears that he can still hurt you, he has so much power over you. Take away his power, don't talk to him at all. It does suck because you want/need to know how he could do these things to you when he supposedly loved you...I really understand this, but one thing that you must keep telling yourself, ';this is not about me, I did nothing wrong';. He's a pig and he was very cruel to you. When you take back your power, there is so much healing in that. Good luck to you. Try to stay strong and DO NOT TALK TO HIM, no matter what he says.How to cope when you r a victim of manipulation. I was manipulated by?
If you continue feeling the way that you are it means that he is still manipulating you. You dont want to hear it, but you need to get over it for your own sake. Going to therapy is a great start.
Don't talk to him. Change your email address. Keep a list of people you can contact when you need to talk to someone. Keep seeing a therapist. Make some new friends. Have a list of things you can do if you start thinking about it- eg call the people on your list, go for a walk, etc.
I've been in the same situation, and literally, the only thing that makes the whole situation go away is time. It is very good that you are seeing someone about this, but do not expect a remedy overnight (as I'm sure you don't). It may not be the answer you are looking for, but I know from experience. Life is littered with losers, I hope this is the worse one you ever meet so you can get this behind you.
sounds to me he needs the professional help ..and u need 2 just go own with your life!
You do need help and you aren't over him but you need to get over him, I have been there and I do know how you are feeling and I know what you want to happen from him and it just isn't going to happen. He will never ever realize what a big creep he has been to you and apologize or at least say I am sorry so stand up and go to therapy and get the hurt over with have the funeral because that is what it feels lilke and you feel like a fool and a jerk for staying as long as you did but there are more of us out there than just you, He is a dud, not you, get help It has been 10 years since my creep treated me like a dirty rag and I now live like a real human being and I am not afraid of anything any more. I used to doubt myself when I planted a plant. Be strong !
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