Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What do you think about losing someone you love?

Many people say that time heals a breakup and mends a broken heart. Do you think that is true? My personal opinion is that after some time you learn to cope and deal with the situation, but the hurt will never go away. Especially if it is your first true love. You really never forget about them and they'll always be somewhere in the back of your mind. So how is it that time heals wounds when you really never get healed from it?What do you think about losing someone you love?
The idea behind ';time heals all wounds'; isn't that you will forget what happened or the person responsible for what happened, it's that you eventually become numb to the event.

People just like to think that once the pain is gone, so is the person who caused it. But the truth is - we don't forget anything. The difference is that when we accept the way things go in our lives, then we able to move on from it and it won't effect us anymore. After all, we are responsible for our own suffering. That is the real meaning behind time heals all wounds. It tries to tell us that eventually, as we go along with life and experience new things we will be able to cope better with our bad experiences. Once people let light back into their lives, their bad memories can't hold them back from being unhappy any longer.

So do I believe in the quote? Yes. But I also believe that ';Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.'; People purposely let their bad experiences hurt them for years and years, so sometimes people are very cynical towards this quote. But your ability to be healed, really all depends on you and how much you wanted to be cured.

';The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1.'; ~Author UnknownWhat do you think about losing someone you love?
I had broken up with with my first love and the hurt never really went away. After a few months we ended up finding each other again and dating for about a year, and it didn't work again. The hurt gets better with time, but that person will most likely be your one true weakness for quite some time. My philosophy is that it takes about half the time you dated to truly get over them.
I believe that it takes more than just time to heal a broken heart. Time is most definitely a factor, but depending on the severity and the circumstances of the break up it could take a lot of mental processing maybe even counseling. Talking to someone, even if it is just a close friend always helps the healing process. Also, focusing on other things such as work, school, friends, or church will help you cope and help keep your mind off of your loss. You will probably never forget the people that you loved, they will always be a part of you and in your mind because they were a part of your life for a time. You shared life experiences with that person, so it's normal to think about them once in awhile; sometimes they are good memories and sometimes they are bad. But there is a big difference between thinking about them once in awhile and thinking about them all of the time. If you find yourself doing this than it may mean you're not fully over that person and it's time to do some more healing before moving on.

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