My boyfriend of almost a year broke up with me friday night. I was completely confused..he did it out of the blue...over TEXT Messaging. I want to let him know that I deserve a real break up (one in person) but i don't know how to do this. I'm really devastated....can anyone give me advice on how to cope??Bad breakup? i really need your help %26lt;3?
Well first, only losers with no balls break up with people over texts.
And second, don't not cry because he's a jerk, if you want to cry, cry. Do whatever makes you feel good and helps you get over him.
Go shopping, have a party with your friends, watch movies, write in a journal, or eat ice cream!
I hope you feel better,
: )Bad breakup? i really need your help %26lt;3?
First of all, breaking up with a text message is stupid. He really needs to man up and do it face to face. If he really cared about you, he would explain why he broke up with you. Also, he broke up with you out of nowhere which means he probably likes someone else not saying you aren't better than the other person, this proves that he isn't a good boyfriend. A boyfriend shouldn't look at other girls if he is already in a relationship, because he needs to be loyal and be generous to his girlfriend. Ask him why did he break up with you and he should have a good reason. If he doesn't, he probably is onto another girl. And yet that is still messed up, breaking up for another person. I've seen this happen and I ussually ask myself What the .... is wrong with that person. So yeah, he should have a good reason, if not then he isn't worthy for you anyways. Good Luck.
he's a jerkoff.
don't ask for a real breakup. it sounds desperate. you want to sound strong and confident, because you should be. you're better than that slob.
call him up or text him (since he did that to you) and tell him that you may be crushed about the breakup, but that you hope he's more crushed in the longrun.
you do deserve respect, unfortunately not all people can do that. next time you see him tell him you would like and explanation and some respect please. if he refuses, you dont want him anyway, it takes time to heal but the best thing you can do is move on and be happy. good luck
put on some good music eat ice cream...chill and MOVE ON. focus on anything but him...i know its hard..but give yourself some time.
erase his digits out the cell and when your sure you can do it. tell him how you feel. dont tear up or cry tell him and walk away.
i know its hard..
ive been through it b4.
answer mine please?;鈥?/a>
Just do something that makes you feel good. go out with friends or whatever. Also, just ask him if its anything you two can work out and ask him why he can't tell you to his face.
answer mine please everyone;鈥?/a>
Well walk up to him in school (if you are on school or if he's in the same school) tell him how you feel, it'll make you feel better to because its like a real ending to the relationship
Have you spoken to him since?
If I were you I would text him telling him how immature he is for not being able to say it to your face and without giving you a reason.
IMO Boys like that are pathetic.
I broke up with my gf by text it was a mistake but its not the biggest ******* crime in the world so just leave him alone and move on...
Punch him in the face and call him a jerk..ask him why he wants to break up, don't let him take you over.
What a scum!! You deserve better.
Instead Call me or mail me on I just went through a break up...I might not be The GUy but we can be friends...what say ?
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