I had been dating my boyfriend for around 10 months. He was my first boyfriend, and the first boy I've ever been in love with. I'm 15 and he's 16. We had sex two or three times, and used to be very close. Today I found out he was talking to one of my friends, telling her he really liked her but was too scared to dump me for her. She told him they had no chance, but he keeps trying.
Obviously, I broke up with him. But I'm still in a lot of pain, and keep wanting to call him. I already ripped up notes, and threw away photos and things he gave me. How else can I cope?Help getting over breakup?
aww sorry!
it takes time, hang out with your other friends, talk to other boys.. keep yourself occupied soon enough you wont even care!
do not call him!! i know its hard very very hard but do not.!!Help getting over breakup?
hey im srrry bout your situation, thatss sad for anyone. But always remember * dont ever qive ANyTHiNG up if theres No commitment. %26amp; if he left you, dont bee too sad about it :: Most likely you were too qood for him *
if he was dumb enouqh to waLk away, be smart enough to let qo *
- ReaL Talk
MiMi *
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