In high school I also dated my best friend. We eventually broke up, after 4 years, but in hindsight, it should have been a lot sooner. I'm not saying it was a mistake, I really loved him, in fact, we talked about marriage etc. I also put up with a lot including a similar intersection in his life where I too was cast aside for the time being before he decided to come crawling back -- I don't think there was a question in his mind that I would. If you're young, you should know that in high school and even college, you're still figuring things out and that's okay because you don't really get a true sense of who you are until you get some more years under your belt ---which is why most young relationships don't last long term (took me until my early-mid twenties to figure out who I was). But while he's figuring things out for himself, I don't think it's fair for him to be calling on you for support. Obviously you're hurting here and whether he's trying to keep you on the back burner for a future rekindling or he's just ignorantly calling you out of a comforting habit, it has to stop because it's clearly bothering you. You need to invest some of your time and feelings elsewhere or you prolong the getting over process. I assure you, there are going to be other guys in your life who will not discard you when they reach crisis in their life. Actually, when problems arise in a healthy relationship, you are supposed to move closer together for support -- not further appart. Be strong. Realize you are not sloppy seconds that can be disposed of when it is convenient for others.How do I move on after a breakup? He was my best friend b?
Thank you all for your time reading and thinking and typing your response to my question.
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Do things you really like, cry it out, pray. Get into something, take a class, try to occupy your time to get him off your mind. I know how you feel...going through a similar situation. Talk to your friends, or write about it..hit me up if you feel like talking
If you can't be just friends with him and it's killing you, let him know. Try to hang out with other people....join a book club...join a singles group...etc.
Just stay friends with him and it wont seem like he is gone forever or u have lost him. At the same time you can move on by also being his friend but maybe geting a new man!
thats tough because you were good friend prior. however, from my personal experience, youre going to dwell on the matter for as long as you keep contact with him. you wont get over him if you see him and talk to him here and there because it keeps your hope alive.
First let me say that I am very sorry this has happened to you. Unfortuntely there is no easy way to get over this; these things takes time. Again I'm sorry. What you should do at this time is focus on the things that make you happy. Do all the things you like. Try not to focus on food, like eating lots of ice cream and candy bars because these things bring about other problems that would be much worse and much harder to deal with. Also, you should put a halt on HIS RECEIVING phone calls. If he doesnt want to be with you BE WITH YOU, then he should not have the pleasure of hearing your voice. After all, he called it. It was his decision. This will not hurt him, but will keep him from hurting you. You must begin to heal and it will never happen if he keeps calling. He should suffer this thing through just like you. And last, be around more people. Go to games, hand out at the mall, visit a family member. OH YEA, one more thing.... LOOK PRETTY ALL DAY LONG. This will help your self esteem and will make HIM WISH he still had you, if he sees you. GIVE EM' Hell Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!
just stay away from pictures and start dating
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