My girlfriend and I broke up approx a month and a half ago after 5 years. I love her greatly and consider her a close friend, part of my family, and a large part of my life. She is a good person but has severe emotional issues which caused me to consistently be stressed out, and become very resentful. I feel that her and I have done immense damage to our relationship, and although I would love to continue a relationship with her it seems like it would be very difficult. She is extremely stubborn, aggressive, is very dishonest about stupid stuff and rarely gives me a chance to talk. I also have not been the greatest. I was very lazy in the relationship domestically and I feel that I did not put much effort into showing her I cared by cleaning up, cooking, or supporting her intrests even though they do not appeal to me, etc..
I am 22 this was my first big relationship, I was a virgin when I met her.. She is 26 and has had a few relationships prior.
Now even though I am the one that broke up with her, I am having a very hard time coping. She has told me that she is starting to date and has had sex with someone already.
I honestly feel the urge to be with her still, but know it would be better as friends but even that seems very difficult. After she told me she has had sex with someone I have not been able to sleep, or even eat very much for the past few days, and am throwing up/dry heaving when I think about it. I am having a really difficult time and was wondering if anyone had any advice on how to cope with the seperation and to move past the fact that she is having sex with someone else. I also am feeling that altough I hope that we are both able to mature and work out our differences and one day be together again I am feeling very disgusted that she has had sex with someone else and feel that I can never have sex with her or take her back because I feel she is disgusting and unclean now, I know she isnt but its just how I am feeling about it.Coping with long term relationship breakup?
You're 22, you have a long way to go. Think about it as an experience, and things that would change in your next relationships. I'm not saying to move on but don't regret anything you've done, it sounds to me like you did the right thing by breaking up with her. Just makes it very difficult knowing that she has already moved on.
Getting past your first breakup (after a long time) is the hardest thing to do in the whole world. Took a couple years for me to move on.
Get out and do things you enjoy doing with friends. Play sports, travel, etc.Coping with long term relationship breakup?
Its obvious to feel devastated but still having soft corner for your first love.
I feel she's never respected you because you're younger. She's also being unreasonable because she's had few relationships before you. Maybe thats why she isn't so concerned about you and your feeling. Its totally unreasonable for her to sleep with someone within just a month and half out of a 5 year relationship. Its disgusting. How can you be sure that she never cheated on you in that 5 year period. Or maybe she must've just lost interest in you, not for your any fault but because of her unfaithful traits.
So just forget her and move on. The best way is to stop thinking about her. The more you think about her, you'll end up sulking within yourself and falling in a loop and also become emotionally unstable. Give yourself time and interest yourself in other things. Take up a hobby. and don't even try to find a reason for her behaviour, you'll never find one.
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