Monday, August 16, 2010

Can somebody please, please give me some advice for this breakup =(?

My boyfriend %26amp; I just got back together yesterday after breaking up a couple days earlier. Now, we've been fighting recently, hence the reason for the breakup. We've been dating for a year, %26amp; this is a very serious relationship, so don't think it was just a short fling.

The thing is, I spent fifteen bucks on school supplies the day before, I told him %26amp; he got pissed because he said I was wasting %26amp; being stupid with my money, which led him into saying I'm retarted, I have the brain of a three year old, I would be nowhere without him, I don't love him, **** you, %26amp; all that ****. :-%26lt; I wanted us to work out so bad, but I see that he really isn't going to put the effort into making us work like he said he would, so I broke up with him, for good this time.

I am so crushed because I loved him so much =( He did have a strong tendency to be controlling %26amp; mean, but I still loved him anyways, %26amp; it's just so hard not to think of the good times that we did have aside from the bad ones. Can somebody please give me some advice on how to cope with this breakup? Please, I feel so heartbroken =(Can somebody please, please give me some advice for this breakup =(?
let him buy your school supplies. keep your money. he apparently knows what you need and dont need as far as school supplies. !!!

if you find that all the arguing is about how stupid YOU are, then you really need realize you dont need that kind of relationship.

your partner should help you grow as a person, not stunt your growth as a person.Can somebody please, please give me some advice for this breakup =(?
He loves you and he cares about you. So what if you have fights!

Every couple does have fights. I think, all you need is a little-little break. So, you can give a little space to each other and then, things will work out better for both of you.
I know you dont wanna hear this, but just forget about him. If he really likes you, he will come around again and it will make a better relationship. Start thinking about other guys and dont let hiim cross your mind. stay away from love music. good luckk

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