I've been going around with this girl for the last 2 months..She always told me that she loved me..But last week, her feelings for me changed, i guess..Cos she told me she didn't love me anymore..She loved this other older guy and was feeling 'uncomfortable' being with me..
However, before we had paired up, I had prepared myself about the breakup and how I would react to it but that isn't seem to be working..Yesterday, she told me she loved him and didn't wanna continue this relationship anymore..
I'm okay about the breakup but I'm having a hard time not thinking about her..I need to get over her immediately..When I wake up, she is the first thing that comes to my mind and I wanna get all that horrible incidents out of my mind..I don't know how..How do I keep myself happy and preoccupied with other things rather that think about the past, which I do not want to relive ever again??? Please Help!!!How do I Cope With Teen Love Breakup?
you loved her a lot eh?? but i don't think she loved you as how much you loved her.... I think love is meant for one person in this whole world... If you love someone then be serious with that person and don't flirt with that person and go for the next one.. May be she's not the one made for you... Think that its her bad luck and remember that there's someone waiting for u in this world whose so special... I think your love was true and she's a flirt!!How do I Cope With Teen Love Breakup?
Actually its very difficult say impossible to forget the memories but you can try to forget by keeping yourself busy in other activities that interest you. Whenever you remember her just get involved in any work %26amp; remember your mind should not be idle. Activities means hobbies %26amp; if you're a student try to study or go out with friends or something that can keep you occupied.
Same happened with me dear , u cant be able to forget her . The best thing u have to think that she is unfortunate to have a guy like you . Try to be with your close friends and family members . this will go on for a month after tht you will be surprised to know tht u forgot her . try to be what you are and i am sure tht u will get yours in mean time . I did the same and waited for a year and I got my girl . so do as wht I say . ALL THE BEST .
Well it is one of those things in life that we all go through, so first understand that many have gone through and will be going through the same thing. You are not alone. I am female and even the females go through this as well. So it isn't easy, but it happens and it may happen again, the thing is to love is to risk getting to know someone and becoming sometimes vunerable to them. To love is to be very brave and courageous. To love someone properly is to also love them enough to let them go. To give them their freedom and to understand that you can only truly love someone else if you first truly love and appreciate yourself. By getting caught up in your memories for her and replaying them over and over, you are only trying to control the situation instead of just let it happen and move on. You have a brilliant world out there, with many many beautiful young ladies awaiting your presence in their life. It is your choice, if you want to keep with something that is fruitless or whether you choose life and happiness. For your own sake move on, choose life and know that you can be brave again and someone is waiting to fully appreciate your true love and personality. I know it hurts, so give it a set amount of time to grieve the loss of her presence in your affections and then choose to say, that is enough! I live in the present, that is where my power is, I will prevail and can be OK by letting her go...and I know it is for my best that things did not turn out. For their is someone out there that is truly appreciative of my love to give and is awaiting me. Do not dally! You future my friend will be great, but you can't get to it, if you stay in the past. I know, I have been there. It is not bad to have memories, so long as you don't let them take over your life. Someone said to me once a relationship is just like a tree you grow. You water it with love and attention and it grows and gives fruit. Sometimes the tree tends to grow only to a set height,or is a tree that does not give the right fruit for you to appreciate. You will need to go out and find that tree that will give you the right fruit and will be true sustance to your life. Have fun and remember, girls always eat chocolate to get over a boyfriend, perhaps you could try this for a little bit. I mean it can't hurt, and you would have more energy to take up something new, where you might find another person. Remember you don't want to really end up with someone that doesn't give you back the love you deserve. Eat chocolate, think good thought and get back out there. You can do it, afterall you sound quiet muture in asking for help. Give it a go.
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